
Age Group Daily Walk-in Fee
Child K & Under Free with paid adult
Youth/Student (1st-12th Grade) $3
Adult (HS Grad & 18 and Over) $5
College Student (with ID) $4
Older Adult 60+ $4
Military Member (with ID) $4

- Field House admission is free for current 2023-24 Menomonie High School students *Must show your current year school ID at front desk!

- Large Group Rate - (Groups of 15 or more) $1 per person with 2 adults per 10 children- *Adult Supervisors are free

- Lap Swim Rate - $2 for kids & adults and $1 for older adults over the age of 60 - FH members free -  * Please see monthly schedule for changes

- Family Swim Hour - $5 per family - FH Members free  

- Open Golf Hour - $2 for kids & adults and $1 for older adults over the age of 60 - FH members free